Well thanks to my daughter Amanda, I am back on my blog. Three years ago, for those who are not aware, and for reasons I still do not understand, the folks at Blogger.com decided that I could not have access to my own blog site. Now I will grant you that I was, and still am, a neophyte to the blogging community, and I had only been posting for three months when they pulled the rug out from under me; but I was trying real hard to fit into this twenty first century cyberspace world where I really don't even speak the language.

Because so many people sent her letters describing their memories of either her or her fellow teacher and partner for life, James Neville, I vowed to share the content of those tributes with as many as I could. That's how the whole blogging thing started.
I posted every night for 35 straight nights and managed to get through the mountain of mail; at least enough to feel I had shared with all who were following this endeavor. The out pouring of love that was found in those letters was incredibly moving. It was my intention to continue my tribute to my saintly mother by sharing bits and pieces of her life that many people were not aware of when I was unceremoniously knocked off my stage.
I encourage anyone who has re-discovered or who is a newcomer to this blog-site to scroll down the right hand column of this page and re-read those early posts. I think you will find some interesting stories there. In fact I may resurrect a few of them and re-post them if they are pertinent to a new tale I am telling.
Sooooooooo, what's happened in the three years I have been away?
Well that's what we're going to talk about. But first, I'm going to ease gently back into the swing of things with this blogging stuff. I've got to re-learn the logistics of posting so I can make this site interesting enough to entice you back time and again. AND.......if I go just a little slow at first, that will give you a chance to catch up on your homework assignment: by next posting in about two days I want each of you to read at least two of the old postings. No book report will be required, but a pop-quiz could be in your future.
An unbelievable, contest winning essay written by Catherine LeDuke in 1959 will be shared. You don't want to miss this one.
It's good to be back. Please help me spread the word of this site memorializing Catherine LeDuke.
Jimmy LeDuke
(I'd love to hear from you... feel free to comment below, or click HERE to send me an email)
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