Last week we gave you the Foreword and Introduction of the book my daughter and I have put together of Catherine and James Neville's letters to each other during World War II. As promised, here's Chapter One. While the final edition is still being worked on, we'll be publishing select chapters in the coming weeks. If you're interested in a copy of the book once it comes out, let us know. In the meantime, enjoy Chapter One.
Neville and Catherine, The
War Years – 1944-1946
Chapter One.
Camp Shelby: “Dearest,
well your husband is now in the
Dearest, I love you.
April 7, 1944
We are in Memphis at the bus depot. It’s about 9:30. I called your mother a few minutes ago. Didn’t go past there. Didn’t feel up to
it. So far so good.
Started to call you, but decided it would
only make bad matters worse. Just start
me crying and I couldn’t do it with these boys in public. So far they have behaved nicely.
I thought we managed the leave taking as
well as we could. I love you so
much. I haven’t realized yet what being
apart means yet.
Hope you make out Saturday on route okay.
Tell Cathie and Jimmy hello for me.
All my love forever,
I’ll think of you every hour. Can’t write more now. I love you.
On Friday, April 7, 1944 James
Neville LeDuke of Tiptonville, Tennessee boarded a bus along with several other
inductees all bound for Camp Shelby, Mississippi to be inducted into the United
States Army. Camp Shelby is one of many
reception centers across the United States used to receive new recruits and
evaluate their skills and make decisions as to where they should be placed in the
James Neville, probably because of
his age (29), is assigned the role of group leader for this long trek by bus
and train. As a former teacher and
dormitory head master he jumps right into this role, telling Catherine, “John L. West unintentionally did me the
biggest favor when he made me group leader. I was so worried about the
responsibility that my other senses were numbed.”
The bus leaves from Dyersburg,
Tennessee and goes south to the Memphis train depot, where he manages to mail
the above letter, the first of hundreds that he’ll send during his time in the
service. From Memphis they head south to
Jackson, Mississippi and eventually arrive at Hattiesburg and Camp Shelby
sometime Saturday morning. In one of his
first letters, James Neville writes of one of their first experiences: “Dearest, well your husband is now in the
army. We were sworn in about 2:30. Got a chain hung around my neck. James N.
LeDuke, 34987226. I’ll never be able to express my mingled emotions.”
Go here for the rest of Chapter One.
Jimmy LeDuke
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